Sherman Oaks - Studio City -Toluca Lake - Cahuenga Pass Community Plan

Staff Contact: Project Review
Maren Gamboa
(213) 978-1358

Christian Pearson
(213) 978-1181

Joanna Marroquin
(213) 978-1463

Staff Contact: Plan Policies

Amanda Kainer
(213) 847-3647

Brian Chun

Sarah Hounsell

General Information:

Valley Public Counter: (818) 374-5050

Community Plan Boundary Map


The Sherman Oaks-Studio City-Toluca Lake-Cahuenga Pass Community Plan was last updated in 1998. A community plan update process is actively underway; please see above for link and information on current status and how to get involved.

The community Plan area includes the neighborhoods of Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Toluca Lake, and Cahuenga Pass.

  • Community Plan Document

Adopted Maps

These maps represent official documents that were approved by the City Council. These commonly show land and development rules and regulations by graphic representation.

  • General Plan Land Use
  • Circulation

Interactive Maps

These maps have multiple layers that can be selected to show resources, landmarks, government faculties and services, and other information that is pulled from multiple sources.

  • Interactive Maps

Informational Maps

These maps are for informational purposes only.

  • Economic Development Areas
  • Commercial and Industrial Zones
  • Generalized General Plan Land Use
  • Specific Plan Areas
  • Generalized Zoning
  • Mulholland Scenic Parkway (Specific Plan)
  • Sherman Oaks (Streetscape Plan)
  • Studio City and Cahuenga Pass (Streetscape Plan)
  • Toluca Lake Village (Community Design Overlay)
  • Universal City (Sign District)
  • Ventura/Cahuenga Blvd (Specific Plan)