Mayor Bass Executive Directive No. 1 (3rd Revised) |
Memorandum of Implementation of State Density Law AB 1287 (2024) |
Methodology for Determining Bus Transit Service Levels; Implementation of Rapid Bus Provisions of the Transit Oriented Communities Program |
Memorandum of Implementation of AB 2011 and SB 6 |
Press Release: City of Los Angeles and Getty Announce Historic-Cultural Monument Nominations for Four Buildings Representing Region's African-American History |
Memorandum on Updated Transit Service Determinations After the End of COVID-19 Pandemic |
Memorandum on Rescission of the Advisory Agency Guest Parking Policy |
Expiration of Mayoral Tolling Orders |
Implementation Guidelines for Executive Directive 1 (2023) |
State Density Bonus Law: AB 2334, AB 1551, and AB 682 (2023) |
Implementation Memo on AB 2097 |
Upcoming Opportunity for Technology Service Providers |
City Planning Commission Votes to Approve Slauson Corridor Transit Neighborhood Plan, Supporting Affordable Housing, Green Jobs, and Clean Transportation | La Comisión de Planeación de la Ciudad vota para aprobar el Plan de Vecindario de Tránsito del Corredor de Slauson, apoyando viviendas asequibles, empleos verdes y transporte limpio |
State Housing Legislative Update |
Los Angeles Unveils New Proposal for Westwood Village That Offers Economic Relief to Biz Owners | Los Ángeles presenta una nueva propuesta para la Villa de Westwood (conocido en Inglés como Westwood Village) |
Memorandum on Implementation of SB 478 (2021) |
Memorandum on Implementation of State Density Bonus Laws - SB 290, SB 728, AB 634 (2021) |
Memorandum on the Implementation of Senate Bill 9 (2021) - Two-Unit Development and Urban Lot Splits | FAQ Related to Implementation of SB 9 |
Expiration of the Chinatown Redevelopment Plan-Effective January 23, 2022 |
Revised Memorandum on SB 35 Maximum Density Permitted by Land Use Designation or Zone |
City of Los Angeles Passes Planning Reforms, Addresses Affordable Housing Shortage | La Ciudad de Los Ángeles aprueba reformas de planeación, aborda la escasez de viviendas asequibles |
Implementation of State Density Bonus Law - AB 2345 (2020) and AB 1763 (2019) |
Los Angeles Releases a New Data-Driven Program to Promote Sustainable Transportation | Los Ángeles lanza un nuevo programa basado en datos para promover el transporte sostenible |
Los Angeles City Planning Calls for a More Equitable Housing Strategy | El Departamento de Planeación de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles pide una estrategia de Vivienda más equitativa |
Fair Share Housing Report |
City Planning Proposes Additional Safeguards for Affordable Housing in Coastal Zones |
Press Release: Getty and Los Angeles City Planning Launch African American Historic Places Project |
Expiration of the North Hollywood Redevelopment Plan February 21, 2021 |
Media Advisory: City Planning Proposes to Expand, Protect Affordable Housing in the Coastal Zone |
Press Release: City Planning Bolsters Online Application System to Improve Customer Service |
Density Bonus Memo: Ministerial Review Process for On-Menu Incentives |
Ethics Commission Seeks Feedback on Lobbying Law Recommendations |
Home-Sharing Hosts Responsible for $3.10 Per-Night Fee City Planning Report | CAO Report | Council Action |
Press Release: City Planning Proposes Ban on Private Detention Centers in Los Angeles | El Departamento de Planeación propone prohibir los centros de detención privados en Los Ángeles |
Processes and Procedures Ordinance Fact Sheet |
Affordable Housing Approval Process per SB 35 (2017) and AB 2162 (2018); Streamlined Infill Projects (SIP) |
SB 35 Maximum Density Permitted by Land Use Designation or Zone |
Press Release: Los Angeles Proposes a New Affordable Housing Plan for the Neighborhood of Boyle Heights | Los Ángeles propone un nuevo plan de vivienda de renta asequible para el vecindario de Boyle Heights |
Press Release: Los Angeles Proposes a New Affordable Housing Plan for the Neighborhood of Boyle Heights | Los Ángeles propone un nuevo plan de vivienda de renta asequible para el vecindario de Boyle Heights |
SB 35 Maximum Density Permitted by Land Use Designation or Zone |
Press Release: Los Angeles Proposes a New Affordable Housing Plan for the Neighborhood of Boyle Heights | Los Ángeles propone un nuevo plan de vivienda de renta asequible para el vecindario de Boyle Heights |
Funding Form Procedures for Affordable Housing Projects |
Press Release: City Planning Launches First-of-Its-Kind Compliance System to Remove Illegal Short-Term Rental Listings from Company Websites |
Transit Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic |
Available Now: Summer 2020 Quarterly Report |
Press Release: Los Angeles City Planning Proposes a New Community Benefits Program for Downtown | El Departamento de Planeación de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles propone un nuevo programa de beneficios comunitarios para el Centro |
Second Court of Appeal Decision in AIDS Healthcare Foundation v. City of Los Angeles |
Available Now: Spring 2020 Quarterly Report |
Press Release: Experts Applaud City Planning's Excellence and Innovation in Housing and Public Engagement |
Los Angeles City Planning Transitions to Holding Commission Meetings by Teleconference |
Restaurant Beverage Program Fact Sheet |
COVID-19 Updates |
Interdepartmental Memo on Implementation of 2019 ADU Ordinance and State ADU Law |
AB 1197 Implemention Memo — CEQA Exemption for Supportive Housing and Emergency Shelters (Last revised: 12/17/2019) |
Available Now: Fall Quarterly Report |
Housing Element Task Force Accepting Applications |
Question of the Month: How does zoning work in the City of Los Angeles? |
Press Release: City of Los Angeles proposes easing development restrictions for new housing projects in Downtown |