Latest News


Mayor Bass Executive Directive No. 1 (3rd Revised)
Memorandum of Implementation of State Density Law AB 1287 (2024)
Methodology for Determining Bus Transit Service Levels; Implementation of Rapid Bus Provisions of the Transit Oriented Communities Program
Memorandum of Implementation of AB 2011 and SB 6
Press Release: City of Los Angeles and Getty Announce Historic-Cultural Monument Nominations for Four Buildings Representing Region's African-American History
Memorandum on Updated Transit Service Determinations After the End of COVID-19 Pandemic
Memorandum on Rescission of the Advisory Agency Guest Parking Policy
Expiration of Mayoral Tolling Orders
Implementation Guidelines for Executive Directive 1 (2023)
State Density Bonus Law: AB 2334, AB 1551, and AB 682 (2023)
Implementation Memo on AB 2097
Upcoming Opportunity for Technology Service Providers
City Planning Commission Votes to Approve Slauson Corridor Transit Neighborhood Plan, Supporting Affordable Housing, Green Jobs, and Clean Transportation | La Comisión de Planeación de la Ciudad vota para aprobar el Plan de Vecindario de Tránsito del Corredor de Slauson, apoyando viviendas asequibles, empleos verdes y transporte limpio
State Housing Legislative Update
Los Angeles Unveils New Proposal for Westwood Village That Offers Economic Relief to Biz Owners | Los Ángeles presenta una nueva propuesta para la Villa de Westwood (conocido en Inglés como Westwood Village)
Memorandum on Implementation of SB 478 (2021)
Memorandum on Implementation of State Density Bonus Laws - SB 290, SB 728, AB 634 (2021)
Memorandum on the Implementation of Senate Bill 9 (2021) - Two-Unit Development and Urban Lot Splits | FAQ Related to Implementation of SB 9
Expiration of the Chinatown Redevelopment Plan-Effective January 23, 2022
Revised Memorandum on SB 35 Maximum Density Permitted by Land Use Designation or Zone
City of Los Angeles Passes Planning Reforms, Addresses Affordable Housing Shortage | La Ciudad de Los Ángeles aprueba reformas de planeación, aborda la escasez de viviendas asequibles
Implementation of State Density Bonus Law - AB 2345 (2020) and AB 1763 (2019)
Los Angeles Releases a New Data-Driven Program to Promote Sustainable Transportation | Los Ángeles lanza un nuevo programa basado en datos para promover el transporte sostenible
Los Angeles City Planning Calls for a More Equitable Housing Strategy | El Departamento de Planeación de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles pide una estrategia de Vivienda más equitativa
Fair Share Housing Report
City Planning Proposes Additional Safeguards for Affordable Housing in Coastal Zones
Press Release: Getty and Los Angeles City Planning Launch African American Historic Places Project
Expiration of the North Hollywood Redevelopment Plan February 21, 2021
Media Advisory: City Planning Proposes to Expand, Protect Affordable Housing in the Coastal Zone
Press Release: City Planning Bolsters Online Application System to Improve Customer Service
Density Bonus Memo: Ministerial Review Process for On-Menu Incentives
Ethics Commission Seeks Feedback on Lobbying Law Recommendations
Home-Sharing Hosts Responsible for $3.10 Per-Night Fee City Planning Report | CAO Report | Council Action
Press Release: City Planning Proposes Ban on Private Detention Centers in Los Angeles | El Departamento de Planeación propone prohibir los centros de detención privados en Los Ángeles
Processes and Procedures Ordinance Fact Sheet
Affordable Housing Approval Process per SB 35 (2017) and AB 2162 (2018); Streamlined Infill Projects (SIP)
SB 35 Maximum Density Permitted by Land Use Designation or Zone
Press Release: Los Angeles Proposes a New Affordable Housing Plan for the Neighborhood of Boyle Heights | Los Ángeles propone un nuevo plan de vivienda de renta asequible para el vecindario de Boyle Heights
Press Release: Los Angeles Proposes a New Affordable Housing Plan for the Neighborhood of Boyle Heights | Los Ángeles propone un nuevo plan de vivienda de renta asequible para el vecindario de Boyle Heights
SB 35 Maximum Density Permitted by Land Use Designation or Zone
Press Release: Los Angeles Proposes a New Affordable Housing Plan for the Neighborhood of Boyle Heights | Los Ángeles propone un nuevo plan de vivienda de renta asequible para el vecindario de Boyle Heights
Funding Form Procedures for Affordable Housing Projects
Press Release: City Planning Launches First-of-Its-Kind Compliance System to Remove Illegal Short-Term Rental Listings from Company Websites
Transit Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Available Now: Summer 2020 Quarterly Report
Press Release: Los Angeles City Planning Proposes a New Community Benefits Program for Downtown | El Departamento de Planeación de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles propone un nuevo programa de beneficios comunitarios para el Centro
Second Court of Appeal Decision in AIDS Healthcare Foundation v. City of Los Angeles
Available Now: Spring 2020 Quarterly Report
Press Release: Experts Applaud City Planning's Excellence and Innovation in Housing and Public Engagement
Los Angeles City Planning Transitions to Holding Commission Meetings by Teleconference
Restaurant Beverage Program Fact Sheet
COVID-19 Updates
Interdepartmental Memo on Implementation of 2019 ADU Ordinance and State ADU Law
AB 1197 Implemention Memo — CEQA Exemption for Supportive Housing and Emergency Shelters (Last revised: 12/17/2019)
Available Now: Fall Quarterly Report
Housing Element Task Force Accepting Applications
Question of the Month: How does zoning work in the City of Los Angeles?
Press Release: City of Los Angeles proposes easing development restrictions for new housing projects in Downtown